News Archive

Training Workshop on Mainstreaming Migration in Local Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Planning at Luxent Hotel, Timog Avenue, QC. (April 25-27, 2023)

May 2, 2023

Mr. Manuel M. Lukban Jr. together with the Team of Provincial Government of Bulacan PDRRMO, PSWDO, BENRO, PPDO attending the Training Workshop on Mainstreaming Migration in Local Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Planning at Luxent Hotel, Timog Avenue, QC. Sponsored by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). (April 25-27, 2023)

Radyo Kapitolyo Hosted by: Ayessha Abiol

April 18, 2023

Radyo Kapitolyo…Hosted by…Ayessha Abiol ...Topics: Program/Project/Activities of PDRRMO under the New Leadership of OIC-LDRRM Officer Manuel M. Lukban, Jr.

Final SITREP RE: Oplan Semana Santa 2023

April 18, 2023

Kindly click the image to read the details. Observance of Holy Week (Semana Santa) 2023 in the PhilippinesMemorandum no. 14, s. 2023 of the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and ManagementCouncil Region 3.