April 15-19, 2024

On April 15-19, 2024, a Incident Command System Position Course was conducted, it was promoted by the PDRRMO, and facilitated by the Cadre of Civil Defense Region 3. The current Training was held at Balagtas Hall Hiyas ng Bulacan, City Of Malolos, Bulacan, and attended by twenty nine (29) articipants’, PDRRMO Staff, and DRRMOs Opening preliminaries on first day of training was hosted by Ms. Reynela Mae S. Abayon, CEO III. The training started with the AVP – prayer and national anthem, followed by introduction of participants and messages by Mr. Donald M. Maniego, LDRRMO II, OIC, Division Chief of Administration and Training Division (ATD) and opening messages by our Local DRRM Officer, Mr. Manuel M. Lukban, Jr. The training proper commenced with the pre – test, followed by the 5 day lectures and activity. On the last day of training, Dr. Mike Kenneth Piluden, administered the post-tests and training course evaluation. Thereafter, the concluding activities proceeded. After the evaluation, Atty. Nikki Coronel of GOPS, represented the Governor’s message. Afterwards, Certificates were awarded to the participants and facilitators and, lastly, Mr. Manuel M. Lukban, Jr., Local DRRM Officer, delivered the closing message.